Friday, December 18, 2009

Cute Gift Idea

This is the super cute gift I gave to Coey's teachers. You take a soup can and open it through the bottom and leave the lid still attached. Clean it out and then fill it with goodies and seal the bottom with a hot glue gun. Remove the label, add some scrapbook paper and embellishments and VOILA! I filled these with chocolate covered pretzels and they turned out pretty cute If I do say so myself!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My New Craft

So I know I haven't posted in awhile but with Christmas fast approaching I have been doing tons of crafts to get ready for it. Not only are there gifts for certain loved ones but I also managed to squeeze in this super cute craft that will allow us to countdown to Santa's visit. I saw a countdown similar to this on the internet but decided to make a few changes. So hopefully this little post can tide you over until I can get back in the swing of things.